Beef belly soup

This is a traditional Bulgarian recipe on how to make strong tasting, healthy beef belly soup.

Beef belly: 1kg.
Milk: 1lt.
Sunflower oil: 2 table spoons
Butter: 2 tbs spoons
Red pepper 1 1/2 teaspoon
garlic: 4-5 cloves chopped finely
vinegar: 100ml.
red hot chilly pepper

Clean up the meat very well. Put it to boil in closed pot for around 45min or until the belly becomes soft.
Remove the belly and cut it into small pieces. Keep the produced broth while cleaning the remaining fat with teaspoon.

Heat up the butter and oil in a pan and quickly fry the red pepper. Add while stirring the milk, then add the beef broth. When it starts to boil add salt according to your taste as well as the beef.

Leave the whole mix to boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
Mix the finely crushed garlic with vinegar - this together with the hot chilly pepper will be the soup additive.

Variant 2:
Right after boiling the meet on a separate pan add flour to 2 tablespoons of oil and fry until it gets yellow-brown color. Then add the broth and the meat and leave it to boil for a while. In a bigger pot mix 2 eggs with yoghurt then slowly still while adding the previous mixture. Leave 5 more minutes to boil.

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