Bulgarian women

Well, it is a delicate topic to describe something so complicated as the woman beauty, but lets start.
First of I've visited several countries across Europe and I can definitely say that Bulgarian women(as well as the Serbian, Romanian and Iranian ones) are one of the best looking ones with their style reflecting the latest fashion trends. Period.
In past (18 century) Bulgarian women have received the title of the best dressed women in Europe and even some German, Austrian and Swiss woman were consulting the Bulgarian dress designers on the fashion trends. One more supporting fact from that time is that on the ceremonies all attendants were admiring the beautiful outfit of the Bulgarian duchess.

Nowadays the fashion has been disturbed by the Turkish/Arab influence, but still the beauty remains and a woman who wants to look nice can always do that.
Whole another point is the inner beauty of the Balkan women. Influenced by the TV shows, promoting American dreams, quick richness and so on fake models, they believe that by marrying a rich guy they'll stop working and start living the life of their dreams. And so they begin to qualify a man not by his thoughts and deeds but by his wallet composure and. This whole thing somehow destroys the image of the successful modern man, but that's how it is. Here are some examples of how this disrupts the male's behaviour:
I've met man driving latest model of Mercedes and having in its apartment only 1 bed, as well as men trying to behave like a macho - pretending to have company, staff etc... still living in his girlfriend flat and expenses.
Also nice paradox make the entertainment facilities such as the discos and clubs - where it is unusual for people to dance. These places are designated for comparing the potential rich mates. So girls are willing to pay ridiculous entry and listen to some music just for the hunt.
The other type of girls go to salsa parties. That's where you can relax, dance and have some fun.

For the students its is usual to meet in the disco. First off they came from small town/village with the American dream of marrying to some rich person, or for the boys to be that rich person, by connecting to the proper people - usually criminal suspects. Then at the disco thinking that the person sitting next to them is from the upper class they hook up, usually to find the truth later.

But anyways my message to the girls is: go on, you are beautiful!

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