European union test II
Who takes the legal decision on accession to the European Union?
the Council of Ministers
What type of majority is necessary for a Commission decision?
A majority of the number of members provided for in Article 213
In the performance of their duties, European officials must
follow the instructions of their institution
The Cotonou Agreement links the European Union with
the ACP group of countries
Decentralisation, introduced as part of the reform of Community aid, involves transferring responsibilities from central Commission departments to
the administrative authorities in countries receiving aid
Financing decisions for humanitarian aid operations run by ECHO are taken by
the Commission
The common foreign and security policy (CFSP) was introduced by
the Maastricht Treaty
The Commission reviews existing State aid schemes in cooperation with
the Member States
The main source of revenue for the EU budget is
contributions by the Member States based on their GNI
Which of the following statements is not correct? The competition rules of the EC Treaty prohibit
a) all agreements between undertakings which indirectly fix purchase or selling prices
b) all agreements between undertakings which directly fix purchase or selling prices
c) all types of parallel behaviour by undertakings generally
d) all concerted practices which limit or control technical development or investment
In your duties in one of the institutions, you have a budget de €300 000 for the purchase of service cars. When doing so, you
issue an invitation to tender based on detailed specifications
The budgetary authority of the European Union is
the European Parliament and the Council
Which of the following funds is wholly financed by the Community budget?
The Cohesion Fund
Council Decision 2001/51/EC establishing a programme relating to the Community framework strategy on gender equality 2001-2005 is
a programme already applying to the accession countries
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the Union is
part of the draft European Constitution
The year 2003 was declared “European Year of People with Disabilities”. How many people with disabilities are there in the European Union?
37 million
What is the name of the Community initiative to promote training and mobility for researchers?
Marie Curie
Each year the budget of the European Union is finally adopted by
the European Parliament
The Council deliberates in public
Free movement of persons within the Union was provided for in
the Treaty of Rome (EEC)
The removal of all customs duties within the Community was completed in
For what length of time does a large EU Member State assume the rotating
6 months
Where is the European Court of Human Rights based?
Which of the following Member States has the largest number of votes in the
a) Spain
b) Portugal
c) Finland
d) Austria
Which of the following statements is correct?
a) A recommendation is the opinion given by the Court of Justice to the
b) A regulation has general application. It is binding in its entirety and
c) A decision is binding in its entirety upon those to whom it is addressed.
d) A directive is binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member
State or physical person to whom it is addressed, but leaves the choice of
form and methods to the national authorities.